Friday, June 13, 2008

minyak oh minyak...

i am very sure da all of us are suffering by the kenaikan harga minyak rite..sapa tak suffer??aku yg guna keta kancil nih terasa perbedaan nya...tmbh2 lagi yg guna keta bsr2 nih...lg hancus...talking bout da kenaikan harga minyak,how many of us actually went out dat nite (last wednesday 4/6/08)...well some may say,maleh la aih nak pi beratur b'ia...but unfortunaely for me, i had to isi my tank sbb drove two days to uum before tank mnyk was below than half la... so dgn azam yg kuat, went out to get the fuel around 8.30...dlm kpale otak,9.30 dpt la kot tak pun by 10..

so the journey stars...kuar dr umah,ok lagi...saw many cars but tak dak yg jammed pun...alih2 near tu this junction,keta dah start to que..aiyooo tak kan kat cni dah jammed..tapi dah alang2 tu,tggu la gak kan...waiting is really2 painful la...dah la dok sorng2 doing nothing..paling2 pun melalak la sbb dah boring tak leh kuat sgt sbb bukak tngkp..tkt org sblh dgr..malu la kan..hehehe..

to cut the story short,aku tggu nearly up to 4 hours and really very2 unfortunately for me,aku tak dapat isi mnyk ngan harga lama...sbb by the time i reached the gas stsn,depa kata dah tkr harga..and it wasn't 12yet!!!geram tu geram la gak..tapi dah alang2 isi gak la mnyk..slmt bdk yg keja kat ctu tak kena jerkah ms he told me about the price dah change..angin satu bdn nih..for wat reasons??meh nak habaq:

1. aku tak smpt makan..which is my fault gak la..
2. tggu cket pnya lama alih2 tak dpt apa..
3. ada dua keta ja dpn aku ms nak isi tuh..igtkn smpt la..tapi tak smpt gak...
4.letih sbb buat keja sia2...

moral of the story,pasnih p bom ja stsn mnyk tuh..if kita tak dpt,biar org len tak dpt gak..which akan menyusahkan smua n which is not very clever to do la....
jgn la uat keja sia2 lagi dah..
dat is all for tiring experiance ..


bEn said...

ngeh2..rupenye ko antara org yg malang aritu!

Mior Azhar said...

EMPAT JAM?????? and for that's bad.

anom said...

ala cha.. kesiannya.. nasib la cha.. Nasib baik malam tu Abg Nasir tak pun wat kerja sia2..

Yong pun la ni nak start kerja kena car pool insyallah.. tak pun kena naik komuter la macam ni..

cha said...

abg a,
tu la peritnya buat keja sia2..dah tu pi tggu tuh,abeh gak stgh mnyk from what i had..relly2 very2 bad:(

takpa la kat kl ada kmtr..ikt ati,rs mcm nak nek moto aja mama msti tak kena pi amek lesen dlu..bnyk kj la plak...